Backstage with Nikki Glaser

by Johnny Martyr Peeking behind, much less going behind stage curtains can sometimes disillusion fans of their favorite celebrities. But when I hung out with comedian Nikki Glaser, I saw that who she is backstage is as compelling as who she is onstage. What follows is an account of Nikki's performance in Baltimore, MD on... Continue Reading →

Q&A: Why Do You Use 0.85x Leica Rangefinders instead of 1:1 Voigtländers?

by Johnny Martyr Yesterday, long time photo buddy Brent Legum Levenson asked a really great question on my Facebook page. He was referencing my Leica M6 TTL cameras which have 0.85x viewfinder magnification. "Any reason you got the .85? I think I’ve only seen the .72 versions in person. Also, I liked that the Bessa R3s... Continue Reading →

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