Gilligan’s Return: Leitz 90mm Tele-Elmarit-M Thin Review Part II

by Johnny Martyr Since Molly Kate kindly featured it on 35mmc, my Leitz 90mm Tele-Elmarit Thin Review has been getting alot of traffic. The review concluded with my decision to throw Gilligan overboard and invite The Skipper to join me on the top deck. Quick recap: I was lead to believe that all Thin Canadian... Continue Reading →

Sidetracking with the Voigtlander Bessa R2 and Series Overview

You may have visited my blog expecting the final installment of Martyr's Leica's vs. Eckman's Copies and a review of the Canon IVsb.  However, as this isn't a paid site and my inspiration/motivation is a wavering mess, I've decided to postpone the IVsb blog another week (hopefully).  Instead, I humbly submit, for your enjoyment and/or... Continue Reading →

Martyr’s Leica’s vs. Eckman’s Copies: Zorki-3

Recently, fellow blogger/photographer Mike Eckman sent me his three favorite Leica copies to compare to my originals. First, I provided a brief introduction.  And last Tuesday I posted my thoughts on the popular Zorki-1c.  Today's review is for another of Mike's Soviet Leica copies, the Zorki-3. So this is where Leica copies get interesting to... Continue Reading →

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