Why Buy A New Film Camera When I Can Buy Used Ones From eBay?!

by Johnny Martyr

Film photographer in 2000: “Why would I buy a new Nikon FM10 for $150, a new Nikon FM2 for $700 or a new Nikon FM3a for $800 from a camera store when I can buy a used Nikon FM from eBay for $50?”

Film photographer in 2010: “Why would I buy a new Nikon FM10 for $300 from a camera store when I can buy a used Nikon FM for $75, a used Nikon FM2 for $200, or a used Nikon FM3a from eBay for $500?”

Film photographer in 2020:All the local camera stores are closed and nobody makes 35mm SLRs anymore. I have no choice but to buy a used Nikon FM10 for $50, a used Nikon FM for $100, a used Nikon FM2 for $400 or a used Nikon FM3a for $700 from eBay.”

Film photographer in 2030: “Can you imagine a time when you could walk into a physical camera store and buy a brand new, fully mechanical Nikon 35mm SLR? You wouldn’t have to replace the light seals or run a test roll or anything. And pay less than $1000 for it?!?! Yeah, me neither.”

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Johnny Martyr 


Or, if you’re all stocked up on film but still have some cash to burn, don’t let me stop you from purchasing unremarkable but necessary domestic junk, shamelessly plastered with my photographs from this REDBUBBLE site!

6 thoughts on “Why Buy A New Film Camera When I Can Buy Used Ones From eBay?!

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  1. I heard someone was going to make a film camera again. I used to have access to a good lab but they closed and now I live in the middle of nowhere and I’m not up to doing it myself.


    1. About every other week a rumor starts that “someone is going to make a film camera again”

      Most of these are just point and shoot cameras, nothing for serious or professional use.

      The point of this blog is to provide some perspective about putting things off and not supporting what is currently available in the film photography industry. New cameras stop being made because people just by used. Labs close because people either move to digital 100% or process at home. Chemical manufacturers go out of business because people use expired chemistry when processing at home. It’s now or never.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. As they say, many a true word is said in jest… 

    The 2030 photographer’s buddy might reply ‘I know! Try finding an original working Barnack Leica or Contax II that doesn’t cost a fortune; I’m so glad I have my trusty Fed 1 and Kiev 4 to play with!’

    Or perhaps not.

    Hopefully, we’ll have to wait sometime before someone says ‘Of course I’ve heard of Nikon and Canon and Leica. But what’s film?’


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